Friday, October 22, 2021

Most Chicago September Homicides in 30 Years… but “Overall Crime is Down” (!)—$10,000 Offered to Bribe blacks to “Snitch” on Fellow Thugs

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 2:38:00 A.M. EDT

(wttw-Chicago) With 89 homicides recorded, Chicago experienced its deadliest September in nearly 30 years, according to new data from the Chicago Police Department.

The number of shootings and homicides in 2021 continues to outpace 2020’s rates, new crime data released by the CPD on Friday shows, as Chicago has now seen 2,726 shootings and 616 homicides through the first nine months of the year.

That homicide total is already more than Chicago recorded through the entirety of 2018 or 2019 and marks a 4% increase over the first nine months of 2020.

September’s 89 homicides are the highest total for that month since 1992, when there were 109 killings, police data shows. Since then, only two other single Septembers topped 80 homicides (2020 and 1993).

The number of shootings in Chicago is also up more than 10% this year over last, with 3,419 shooting victims from 2,726 incidents thus far, according to police.

While overall crime is down 8% compared with 2020, the CPD said violent crime is up 3% year-to-date.

On the same day the new crime data was published, the CPD announced a new rewards program for anonymous tipsters who provide information leading to charges or conviction in homicide and gun trafficking cases.

Brown said those who provide information on gun trafficking cases involving 10 or more guns can receive up to $3,000, with another $2,000 possible if that information leads to a conviction.

For homicide cases, tipsters who give police information that leads to charges can receive up to $10,000, with another $5,000 possible following a conviction.

GRA: Will the blackies snitch on their thugs friends for 10 Gs? Do blacks get their rent paid by section 8?

Same answer might be more murders, though, because of it.


N.S.: This “more murders, less crime”–sounds like a light beer jingle, no?—has been a running joke for at least ten years. In 2011, I saw a Chicago newscast in which the news reader, a White man who looked to be in his early thirties, said he wasn’t buying it.

Perhaps it’s possible in an alternate universe, but as a practical matter, it is an impossibility for murders to increase, while crime overall goes down. Murder is the king of chaos. It often accompanies rape, robbery, burglary, carjacking, kidnapping, etc. And to have a record-setting month of murders…

First, it was the Chicago PD, then the Detroit PD, and now, even the FBI has been utterly corrupted, and is saying this line, which is a tell that its speaker is a compulsive liar, who can’t be trusted to give you the correct time of day.

I can recall during the late 1990s or early 2000s, when the Boca Raton PD was hit by fakestat scandals, and the FBI announced that it was no longer accepting the BRPD’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCRs). But now, the Bureau is as crooked as they come.

I sat on this story for five days (sorry, GRA!), because I wanted to come up with links to previous items on the same topic, going back to Chicago, 2011, but there are too many!

I’m going to have to do a separate item on this topic that will be a link farm.


  1. Yes, and? -- why do you care that America's black ghetto thug caste are offing each other more than usual? -- do you want more Amber Longs?

    Here's a verbatim comment I left elsewhere about this (link):

    Elevated homicide totals since BLM in 2020 is nothing for a self-respecting white person to worry about -- it is overwhelmingly America's black ghetto thug caste offing each other at a rate somewhat higher than their usual very high rate -- while there may be some 'collateral damage', which I sincerely regret of course, this is minuscule in comparison, as well as statistically insignificant -- let it play out -- I hope as many Whites as possible take note, and see/realize what a cancerous plague this group of people is -- also that the media narrative is completely dishonest: far from harming them, Blacks are lucky Whites tolerate their criminality and general dysfunction, which is altogether not really compatible with civilized society.

    Be suspicious of any White who virtue signals concern about this.

    If you keep it up, I'll have to become suspicious of you.

    Conservacuck Steve Sailer writes about this topic fairly often (occasionally I take the time to mock him for it, link, but most of the time I no longer bother) -- I think he signals his virtue about it because he doesn't want John Podhoretz (a Jew) to call him 'loathsome reprllent racist filth' again (link).

    Resist any temptation to care that might arise.

  2. If you're addressing that to me,fear not,I post this for my own personal pleasure--which I get from seeing those record setting types of numbers.

    As a famous philosopher once said(in animation)and I'll direct to you:"He don't know me very well--do he."


  3. "Will the blackies snitch on their thugs friends for 10 Gs?"

    NO! Too much in love with the thug society to inform on a brother or a sister.
