Saturday, October 23, 2021

Did Gov. Andrew Cuomo Rape 11 Women?!

“New York Attorney General Letita [sic] James' sexual harassment report concluded a NYS Trooper was one of the eleven women sexually assaulted by former governor Andrew Cuomo.” [N.S.: From the new york post.]

By N.S.

Well, black supremacist New York Criminal General Letitia James has asserted that Cuomo “sexually assaulted” 11 women, while he was governor. And feminists have taught us that to “sexually assault” a woman is to rape her. Of course, they’ve also taught us that “unwanted touches” of a female by a man constitute “sexual assault.” Then again, feminists have taught us that ultimately, words mean whatever they want them to mean.

The trooper in question

And the now pc new york post goes along with this whole travesty. God forbid, its staffers should challenge a black supremacist female.

Like Antonin Scalia, I recall a time when words had meaning. But Scalia’s pillow put an end to that.

The notion that Gov. Cuomo “sexually assaulted” 11 women is based entirely on a dubious report that was contrived at the behest of a black woman who demanded that the White man governor be forced out of office, so that she could eventually succeed him.

NYS Police Replaces Head of Governor's Detail in Wake of Cuomo Sex Harassment Report


  1. Does smiling at them count?Then probably yes,


  2. Sicilians always think of themselves as ladies men. Really the dago has fallen so far so fast not a whole lot of bad can happen to him? Maybe more will?
