Sunday, August 01, 2021

Remember that 24-Year-Old Alien, Who "Impregnated" (Read: Raped) a 12-Year-Old Girl, Who Has Since Given Birth to His Child? The Mope Who Thought Nothing was More Natural, and What's the Big Deal? Well, He is an Illegal Alien (Surprise, Surprise!), and was Already a Convicted Rapist (Wait, There's More!)

Mug shot of serial rapist-invader, Juan Miranda-Jara

By A Texas Reader
Fri, Jul 30, 2021 11:13 p.m.

Convicted Illegal Alien Rapist Accused of Impregnating 12-Year-Old

[N.S.: What's with this hed? He bragged that he's the father!]

An illegal alien, previously convicted of first-degree rape, has since been accused of impregnating a 12-year-old girl.

[Tell me why this convicted felon was permitted to remain in America?]


  1. Must be a Mex priest--but aren't they all?The Catholic church would probably,in the spirit of heterosexual diversity,put him in charge of one of its parishes.

    "At least we know he isn't a fudgepacker,"the Bishop would say,"but you can't have everything."

    "Don't leave your kids alone with a priest," is a sad statement which must be said as often as possible.


  2. Surely does not appear to be twenty-four years old to me. Older.
