Sunday, August 01, 2021

Prosecutors: Man Charged in Shooting Following Puerto Rican Day Parade Did Not Act in Self-Defense

By R.C.
Fri, Jul 30, 2021 9:53 p.m.

Man Charged in Shooting Following Puerto Rican Day Parade Did Not Act in Self-Defense: Prosecutors

"If my client was a police officer, which he is not, but if my client was a police officer he would have been justified" in the shooting, the defense attorney said.

R.C.: Why don’t Puerto Ricans want to live in Puerto Rico?

Too many “programs” here on the mainland?


  1. The only parades that should be permitted in cities are non-ethnic types like Christmas,New Year's or Thanksgiving--especially if Whites are denied the same right to celebrate our race.This denial is formal,but it's also implied that Whites should not apply for such an event or will be turned down as "White supremacist".


  2. It was not self defense. The couple were on the ground defenseless and he shot them. Part of a mob that attacked the driver. The bad guy has THIRTY arrests and SEVEN felony convictions. What was he even doing on the street. Does he have an immigration status??
