Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Exclusive to WEJB/NSU: Cutting through police and media Lies, Turns a Freak Accident Caused by DUI into a Number of Crimes by a Raceless Perp

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 5:44:00 P.M. EDT

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU on this Crime:

WEJB/NSU Exclusive: Grand Rapids negroes Destroy ATM”; and

“Update: Drunk Driver of Unknown Race Caused ATM Destruction in Grand Rapids.”]

Update #2:

Today I went inside the bank itself, where the ATM was destroyed by “someone”—and as Paul Harvey used to partially say—I got most of the rest of the story from the employees.

I opened my discussion, with the employees, with the line in wood tv’s story—“a probable accident involving drinking.”

It turns out, the driver of the car “had been in a high speed chase”—trying to escape police. Cops had already suspected this “person of unknown race” of having just committed a crime, and they were in pursuit.

According to one of my sources at the bank, “the drunk driving story, you can believe—if you want to [I laughed], but I heard it was a wild police chase at speeds of 100 mph, when the perp tried to make a right turn, hit the curb, went airborne and flipped into the ATM."

I'll ask you—what are the odds of this being a black or mex,as opposed to a White person?

So again, the police were deceptive, the news printed the deception (lie), but I finally got to most of the truth. Why would they lie? My quick guess is, to cover up another minority crime—which police and media love to do.



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