Monday, November 02, 2020

On Tuesday, It All Comes Down to Pennsylvania

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, November 2, 2020 at 1:16:00 A.M. EST

Luntz says, “The polling industry is done as a business, if Trump wins.”

One of the “experts” who had it wrong last time—Nate Silver—is giving Trump a 10% chance of winning this Tuesday, less than the 25% chance in 2016, with one caveat: If Trump wins Pennsylvania, all bets are off.

Biden is from Pennsylvania originally. Insider-Advantage and Trafalgar have Trump ahead in Pennsylania, while others show a 5-7 point deficit.

The main pollsters will not get it wrong, imho. Too bad; it’s been fun.


1 comment:

  1. “The polling industry is done as a business, if Trump wins.”

    Maybe they ought to be gone.
