Sunday, October 18, 2020

Deprecated, Disappeared, Destroyed: The Ruling Elites’ Plan for White Americans

By Nicholas Stix
December 16, 2023 postscript: Back when I initially posted this, VDARE managing editor James Fulford must have read it (I believe that Peter Brimelow used to have James keep this blog under surveillance.), and Peter said he would now pay me $300 per article, which he implied was to make up for the money he'd cheated me out of, so I switched this to "draft." However, Peter welshed, as usual. Later, I pitched an article about crime in nyc, which he greenlighted, but when I sent him the ms., he lied again, saying I hadnm't pitched it. So, I sent him my pitch (I actually spoke of a bunch of unpaid mss., as well, including an article on the hoax against John Wayne by Maria Cruz, who was still alive), which he greenlighted but again neither published or paid for. About a year ago, Peter wrote me that James had set up my article to go, but he was just suckering me again. Around that time, he sent me an invitation to a Christian holiday get-together at his castle in west Virginia. It would have cost me $1,000 or more in airfare, hotel room, taxi fare, etc., to attend, and I guess the prospect of a $300 fee was supposed to suffice to motivate me to attend. How $300

Imagine you’ve been forced into a strait-jacket and confined to a “rubber room,” a sound-proofed room, such that nobody can hear you outside, and you can’t break out.

You are occasionally permitted visits. A friend or relative may stand outside your door and briefly talk to you. But food and drink are withheld from you.

In a week or two, you would die of dehydration.

The dark lords of totalitarian tech are trying to do something similar to the Dissident Right. has been in existence for almost 21 years. Founder Peter Brimelow has published tens of thousands of articles, all of which are of incalculably greater value than what you’ll see from the mainstream media, because the material Peter publishes is true and of survival value to the historic American nation, in contradistinction to the hoaxes the MSM daily foist on the public, to serve the blood libel of “white supremacy” and “white privilege,” which is central to the White Genocide Project.

America’s ruling elites and their foot soldiers seek to economically dispossess white American patriots, and render them politically impotent, in order to make it easier to annihilate them in an American Holocaust. The Trump insurgency was never supposed to happen, and the Dark Lords and their shock troops intend to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again.

The Dark Lords seek to make it impossible for people not already supporting to learn of its existence. (Ditto for other publications serving the historic American nation, such as American Renaissance, other immigration patriot groups, such as FAIR and NumbersUSA, and outlets with overlapping interests, such as the immensely popular Unz Review and Taki’s Mag. [Ron Unz, “Being Totally Disappeared by Google,” The Unz Review, July 22, 2020.]

Wikipedia refuses to give The Unz Review its own page, and only mentions it on its ADL-dominated attack page against Ron Unz.

(Full disclosure: Jared Taylor and Ron Unz sometimes publish my work.)

VDARE has had an influential role in fighting off a series of attempted nation-breaking, mass amnesties of illegal aliens, going back to the Bush II regime (2006-2007), and in helping bring about the 2016 Trump Revolution. But we can only have such an effect, if people outside the patriotic immigration reform movement hear about us on social media (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc.). The Techlords know this, and have thus sought to “disappear” us.

Twitter last de-platformed me (101,00 tweets) on June 26, 2019, Facebook did so a number of years ago, and Amazon did so all the way back in 2008 (although my work—over four million words in print—is cited by scores of works Amazon sells, its politburo killed all links between my name and said works, even when my name is on the cover!)

Every now and then, I check to see how many links still exist from The Pretend Encyclopedia to my works.

Late last year, I found that the link to my VDARE essay on Lawrence Auster had been removed. Checking the revision history, I found that Wikimedia lawyer (i.e., paid Wikithug) David Gerard had deleted the link, asserting, “deprecated source.”

Gerard did the same thing to the entry for VDARE’s John Derbyshire, as a pretext to delete John’s substantive arguments.

There is no definition of “deprecated” that matches Gerard’s usage. He changed Wikipedia’s software, such that it is now impossible to link from it to any VDARE articles, and there will not even be a record of any attempts to link to our articles.

Not that Gerard or his accomplices have “disappeared” the SPLC-style attack page, with which they replaced VDARE’s Wikipedia page years ago a maneuver they also undertook with the pages for the late John Tanton, and the other organizations I cited above. But in those cases, working links go to totalitarian libel factories like the SPLC and ADL.

The Wikithugs now even rabidly police the Wikipedia talk pages of groups they hate or support, in order to limit criticism. Talk pages used to be off-limits to censors.

The deprecation of white men has long involved their economic dispossession and political disenfranchisement, with their annihilation visible down the road. Thousands of white men have responded by committing suicide via opioids, i.e., “the White Death.”

When I moved to New York City, upon my 1985 return from five years spent in West Germany, it was still a majority-white metropolis. However, in 1950, it had been 90% white.

The change had been due to the usual suspects: Murderous black racism, and the option—thank you, Robert Moses!—of moving to the suburbs.

By the early 1990s, however, I began noticing something else: Most New York City stores, and public and private agencies, though often run by whites, and dependent on white customers, donors, or taxpayers, were refusing to hire white staffers.

One day in 1994, two black, 20-ish checkout clerks at the Barnes & Noble “super store” on Sixth Avenue, between 22nd and 23rd Street, refused me service, acting as if I didn’t exist. The young man talked to a black man who wasn’t purchasing anything, and the female carried on a personal conversation on the telephone, while staring through me. After a few minutes, I left.

I wrote a detailed letter of complaint to a B&N vice president, who ignored me, whereupon I never gave them any more of my business.

Interviewing for an entry-level job at a drug counseling center, the Hispanic interviewer told me in front of the other interviewees that he would never consider me, because I was white. And when I did get social work jobs, I had to contend with racism—sometimes veiled, and sometimes violent.

Back during the 1930s, blacks waged a “Don’t shop where you can’t work” picketing campaign that got them jobs in N.Y. department stores. Whites would never do that.

New York City’s whites have increasingly died off, and/or moved. Today, the city is only 31.9% non-Hispanic white, while being 26.6% black and 29.1% Hispanic. [United States Census Bureau, 2019 Estimates, last accessed September 30, 2020.]

Very few of the whites I knew from work (social work, college adjuncting) had children, spouses, or even spoke of a hope to marry and procreate, or have a future.

The whites I know today who have normal lives, with spouses and children, are almost all city workers (firemen, cops, garbage men and teachers). However, they do not publicly complain about what the city subjects whites to, and they shun those who do.

When the Internet exploded during the late 1990s, it looked like a new birth of freedom. By then, I had been whitelisted from teaching at CUNY, and as of 2000 was a stay-at-home dad with a newborn son.

After a few years, the online repression came. (Aside from paying lip service against “political correctness,” Republicans and “conservatives” never did anything for besieged whites.)

One form of deprecation by the tech lords is to bury or block links to articles by those on their enemies’ lists.

When Jared Taylor asked me, in mid-March 2007, to write what would be the first national investigative report on the racist, Knoxville Horror carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murder of white sweethearts Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, I was honored. Jared published the first version (1,750 words) on May 14, and a 3,500-word version he later commissioned, as the cover story of the July 2007 American Renaissance magazine.

In September 2007, I googled under “Knoxville Horror,” and went through all 1,000 entries at Google, but found no mention of my work. Google spit out Nazi blog entries, but no AmRen.

If you Google under my name, some days you’ll get over 200,000 hits, much more than used to be the case. So far, so good. But people unfamiliar with my work will google based on topics I’ve written extensively on, e.g., the “Knoxville Horror,” “de-policing,” “urban crime,” “black-on-white crime,” “Steven J. Hatfill” (see also here and here), etc. They will likely find no mention of my work.

VDARE has given the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg saturation coverage, yet you will find no links to its stories at standard Google, or Google News.

Google has likewise briefly blacklisted Newsbusters, and even Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, the nation’s most popular cable news show ever (Ron Unz, idem). It also blacklisted, but then settled for blackmailing the site into eliminating its reader comments function, threatening otherwise to strip it of its ability to run Google ads.

Twitter’s new form of de-platforming, as of June 2019, forces those de-platformed to run in vicious circles. Multiple attempts I made to reach out to Twitter were either blocked or ignored.

Political Prisoners

White men, many of them policemen, who have not been “deprecated” have been made notorious political prisoners—Jason Van Dyke, Johannes Mehserle (and here), Michael Slager, James Alex Fields Jr., Michael Drejka, Derek Chauvin, Kyle Rittenhouse (going back to Bernhard Goetz), et al.

Recently, one such political prisoner, Omaha saloon owner Jake Gardner, who had killed a rioter in self-defense, and who was given “the treatment” (one fake felony charge on top of another), fell on his sword. With rogue prosecutors set to railroad him into a life sentence in prison simply for refusing to be murdered, Gardner shot himself to death. [“Ann Coulter on Jake Gardner: Innocent until Proven Trump Supporter,” by Ann Coulter, VDARE, September 23, 2020.]

Whenever the fake news media assert that “Twitter” rose up against someone right of center, they’re lying. What they mean is, “The leftwing activists whom Twitter owner Jack Dorsey supports,” because Dorsey has battalions of censors whom he pays to block right-of-center commenters, so as to manufacture a fake consensus.

That’s how politically influential social media (excepting Wikipedia) work. (Wikipedia has cadres of volunteer Wikithugs.)

Those who own or control social media platforms assert that they merely provide uncensored “bulletin boards” where people of all convictions may post comments, but that’s the opposite of the truth. In reality, the owners/controllers ruthlessly censor those whom they consider their enemies. And that would include all patriotic, white Americans.

The legal basis enabling the tech lords is part of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

(c) Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material

(1) Treatment of publisher or speaker No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. [47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material, Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School.]

More like evil Samaritan!

Section 230 must be repealed.

Trump has several options, in dealing with social media monopolies:

• Turn them into regulated public utilities;
• Criminalize them, as means for harboring, helping fund, organizing and inciting terrorists;
• Nationalize them: This would only work, if Republicans were as ruthless as Democrats, so we might have to forget about that; and
• Shut ‘em down!

The last one works for me.

But would Trump’s cabinet execute his wishes?

While Attorney General Eric Holder bragged of his relationship to Barack Obama that he was the “President’s wing-man,” current AG Bill Barr has been at pains to emphasize his independence from President Trump.

Every attorney general, indeed, every appointed administration officer, serves at the pleasure of the president. It used to be a given that these were the President’s wingmen.

Trump may need to fire Barr, among others, until he finds some wingmen.

And he’d better do it soon, before he finds himself in a strait-jacket!

Postscript: I pitched this article to VDARE founder Peter Brimelow in early-to-mid September, he greenlighted it, and I delivered it on September 30.

On October 1, Peter responded,

Thanks, Nicholas. I appreciate the kind words.

But I’m not sure it works, I’ll have to think about it.

Wish you’d discuss ideas in advance!

Best, pb

p.s. do you feel like making phone calls? I have something else I’d like you to do.

N.S.: This was now the fourth article, at $250 a pop, Peter had greenlighted over the past year, which he had not published or paid for, and it was now clear he was making a fool of me.

And on top of that, he wanted me to do additional work, without getting paid for any of the earlier work!

On October 2, I wrote back to Peter,

But we did discuss it, and you greenlighted it.

I talked to you about Wikipedia “deprecating” VDARE.

I never send you mss. without your first greenlighting them.

I’ll give you a ring tomorrow (today).

Well, I called Peter that day on his cell phone, but he refused to pick up the phone, so I left a message on it, and then left a message with his office manager at his home office.

He never returned those messages.

On October 8, I wrote Peter,

Please remit $1,000 for four articles you greenlighted….

On October 13, I re-sent my invoice for $1,000, along with a passage from a piece he’d published, by Washington Watcher II, on October 5, that sounded reminiscent of my manuscript.

N.S.: Hmmm, sounds familiar.

WWII: “Yet the comments from Wray and Wolf show that Trump desperately needs to clean house. He might have to wait until he gets a second term, but in the meantime he should at least pull Wolf’s nomination. He can’t permit cabinet secretaries to lie about domestic terror, and hide the real perpetrators, to help Biden and the MSM paint Trump as a racist sympathizer of “white supremacists.” Kris Kobach would be a much better pick. He wouldn’t lie to the public about Antifa.”

N.S.: Again, he ignored me.

I had been a VDARE contributor since 2004, with 566 published articles, 142 of which were front-pagers, which usually paid $250 a pop, though Peter paid $400 each for the first three, which were major reports running as many as 10,400 words. The other 424 were unpaid blog articles, excepting two cases, where Peter paid me $100 each. He also paid me a $100 kill fee once or twice for a front-pager he killed (read: never intended to publish).

Sixteen years. You know how much Rolling Stone’s Jann Wenner paid Sabrina Rubin Erdely (e.g., UVA Rape Hoax) for each of her hoaxes? $42,857. I rarely earned the minimum wage, working for Peter, even though I was producing the best crime journalism in the English language. And yet, you know what 99% of Web editors pay per article? $0.00.

If you ever wondered why the pro-White Dissident Right has made so little progress, now you know. No honor.

In a later dispatch, I’ll talk about other stalwarts who have been screwed over by the Dissident Right.


Anonymous said...

Well a couple observations.Failure to compensate for work rendered is the end of any "relationship" between any business and an individual--for whatever reasons not divulged.Still,it IS owed and a lesser court should rule in your favor rather easily,based on facts presented here.
About the article on VDare,why is "White supremacy" always painted as more evil than "black supremacy"--which is what blm publicly strives for?The blm group doesn't want equality with Whites,their goal is black rule--and if that isn't black supremacy,I don't know what is.
Whites,who oppose this forced de-evolution of our country,are labeled racist for not merrily going along with the communist plan for America.It's only takes a small attitude adjustment to go from black lives matter to "White lives DON'T matter--a mindset that can easily be pushed as Whites become less demographically dominant.
There's only 2 solutions:Reverse the black population increase or improve the White reproduction rate.Numbers mean everything in this battle for who will run America in 30,50 or 100 years.
Best of luck in working out your dispute with VDare.

Anonymous said...

There's a Budlight commercial that just aired,about a cardboard cutout White person,who's at a football game and wants a Bud Light.Pretty creative.
The cutout walks down the aisle to a cutout of a beer vendor who has no beer to sell.
The White cardboard figure waddles down the steps to the concourse where an actual person--a black Budlight driver--says,"HEY,can I help you?"
The White cardboard cutout panics and runs away outside,where he is hit by a bus and ends up on the bus's windshield.The cutout is knocked off with the wipers to a curb where people walk all over his Whiteness.
The White cutout is then put in a trash bin and picked up by a garbage truck,but the breeze blows him out onto the street again--near the apartment of the person whose image the cutout was created from.He makes his way to the apartment where the real person opens up the door and invites "himself" inside to watch the game and have a Budlight.
Then the punchline:"Budlight--when you really want a beer."

Pretty good,but I got the feeling a blackie's image would not be stepped on,thrown into a garbage truck and otherwise degraded--even if it was a cutout.
Anyone else seen this?

Anonymous said...

Although Brimelow has always paid me for the articles I wrote for VDare, many of the posts--which are not supposed to be paid--but which he said would be published, never were. The last time, I wrote a refutation of something he published and several times he promised my refutation would be published, but it never was. Once VDare was a reliable site, but lately a lot of bad stuff has been published. One writer, prone to blather about things he doesn't know about, said that the Wuhan Virus would be nothing to worry about. Then another writer kept coming up with nonsense--the Wuhan Virus only killed Chinese, then Middle Easterners, then he included Italians--he kept jumping to conclusions that turned out to be nonsense. A number of people on VDare have endorsed socialized medicine (sanitized as "single payer") even though it has resulted in a higher death rate for cancer victims in both Canada and Britain. I can't help but feel that VDare has gone downhill--perhaps someone else is in charge now?

Anonymous said...

Regarding VDare, Peter Brimelow wrote an appalling piece recently saying libel laws should be tightened to put to rest "dangerous right-wing conspiracy theories" that make the conservative movement look bad- like the one suggesting that the Clintons have had numerous people killed, and the one that Obama is really foreign born! If VDare doubts the truth of either of those, then yes, something is really rotten over in West Virginia~

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Trump's support of section 230 is being portrayed as an attempt to eliminate "protections" from liability that allows the internet to flourish as a "free speech" platform. That's how the media is playing it, but I'm not sure I'm reading that in it. You can see it here:

One problem is that the internet isn't a "free speech platform", and really hasn't been for quite some time. The evolution of the internet from a free wheeling debate forum to being tightly controlled began long before Trump was elected, and the process of deplatforming those that challenge the globalist agenda continues and is gaining momentum.

Section 2 spells it out pretty clearly what the real intent is:

Sec. 2. Protections Against Online Censorship. (a) It is the policy of the United States to foster clear ground rules promoting free and open debate on the internet. Prominent among the ground rules governing that debate is the immunity from liability created by section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act (section 230(c)). 47 U.S.C. 230(c). It is the policy of the United States that the scope of that immunity should be clarified: the immunity should not extend beyond its text and purpose to provide protection for those who purport to provide users a forum for free and open speech, but in reality use their power over a vital means of communication to engage in deceptive or pretextual actions stifling free and open debate by censoring certain viewpoints.

I have plenty of critiques of Trump, but I love the fact he's publicly calling out Twitter, et al for their anti freedom crusade against free thinking Americans. No other President is going to do that. It's one of the reasons why Demos and liberal hate him so much, they love the censorship crusade because it's shutting down those whom they perceive to be enemies, they don't give a damn about free speech.