Sunday, June 28, 2020

As Black Lives Matter Sets Cities on Fire, State Dept. Claims White Supremacist Terror is “on the Rise and Spreading”

By Nicholas Stix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As The Remote Control Turns
...from one channel to another this morning,"Face the(Commie)Nation" gave Brennan the day off--John(I'm twice the commie SHE is)Dickerson tried to fill her high heels--and he did--with plenty of bemoaning about Trump,coronavirus and "racial injustice".
The lowlight was the Tim Scott segment where Dickerson played a clip--which he said,was on President Trump's website--of white folks,yelling,"WHITE POWER."
"Senator,you talk about unity in this country,is posting a video of people chanting,'white power',unity?"
"No,it should be taken down."
And replaced,I assume,with black lives matter chanting/rioting--also ununifying--but fine with Dickerson and Scott.
At 11,Sharyl Attkison rolled out an interesting story,about a Danish politician named Rasmus Paludan,an anti-Muslim proponent,who wants all Muslims deported to save the heritage of Denmark.The essence of the piece was not the validity of Paludan's argument,but whether such an argument should BE ALLOWED to be made publicly--in otherwords--free speech.
She had two free speech "experts" from think tanks,one said,"he has every right to say what he believes"--the next,a blonde woman,put it more judgementally:"He should be allowed to say what he wants--no matter how stupid it is."
(GRA:Why it's "stupid",is the follow-up question that wasn't asked).
I looked him up and found that "Paludan--3 days ago-- was convicted of posting anti-Muslim videos and sentenced to a month in jail."(source:BBC).He's also under 24 hour security protection to prevent attacks by Muslims.So much for free speech.
Finally,Attkison is still a journalist--refreshing to see--while Dickerson and Margaret Brennan(to a lesser extent)are dogmatists.The bosses at CBS,NBC and ABC,HAVE TO BE commie maniacs,to allow this type of programming to be broadcast unfettered.Not only that,but the shrill attitude continues to get more desperately oppressive every hour(at least to me)as we get closer to the election--with 4 months yet to go.Fortunately,we DO have "mute" buttons and on/off switches--although when Dems take over in November,those features may disappear from our remote controls as well.What they want us to watch,we'll HAVE to watch.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist