Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Black Man Forced Woman to Watch Roots, Threatening to Kill and Disembowel Her, If She Resisted

By A Longtime Reader

He looks like a profoundly happy man - not a care in the world: he successfully attained many parts of his life’s work.

He convinced this idiot to move in with him, was able to effectively indoctrinate/enslave her, likely hoped to kill her one day - as he expressed.
Tacit or overt - irrespective of education, professional attainment or “status” - this is the shared desire of all of them

Investigators allege that Robert Lee Noye, 52, yesterday forced Jill Shelton, 37, to sit with him and watch the program about slavery. Shelton allegedly was held against her will inside a small Cedar Rapids home (seen below) she has shared with Noye.

Shelton told police that when she tried to move, Noye “threatened her to remain seated and watch the movie with him” or else he would “kill her and spread her body parts across I-380 on the way to Chicago,” the complaint charges.


  1. Roots is just one of the many lies that blacks and their cohorts want people to believe is true. Haley got much of Roots through "borrowing" from other writers. There is much material about this subject on the internet.

  2. I'm sure Jill was mistakenly in the home? Or sleeping with him? It all sounds so very exciting, just what a feminist would like.

    Ok, ok, so I'm a bad man. I notice these things.

  3. Or Christanity:

  4. That negro needs to go visit Coon Rapids IA.and watch the movie.

  5. She should force him(at gunpoint) to watch "Jeopardy"--and if he can't answer $3000 worth of questions--she gets to kill HIM.
    Second option:make him binge-watch "The Andy Griffith Show" or "Mary Tyler Moore".The nig might kill himself.

