Thursday, August 01, 2019

The Kennedy Curse? Ethel Kennedy's 22-Year-Old Granddaughter Saoirse Dies of a Suspected Drug Overdose at Family's Six-Acre Cape Cod Compound

By R.C.
Thu, Aug 1, 2019 10:00 p.m.

Ethel Kennedy's 22-year-old granddaughter Saoirse dies of a suspected drug overdose at the family's six-acre Cape Cod compound

R.C.: The Kennedy Curse strikes again.

And again.

And again.

N.S.: Maybe, but the biggest victims of the Kennedy Curse are the American people, at least American whites.


  1. You speaketh the truth,white man.That goes for the Bushes,Obamas,LBJs and Clintons(Trump too?)as well.
    Reagan just went up higher in my book with the release of a taped phone conversation between him and Nixon.Reagan supposedly called the blacks in Africa "monkeys",for their opposition to a UN resolution around 1970.
    CNN tried to equate Reagan's "monkey" statement to Trump,telling "the four women of color" to go home--both being racist statements,according to CNN.
    Comparing the two actually shows what WOULD get Trump in trouble--calling Cummings "a monkey"--would certainly do it.

  2. The school of International Communication? Must be a magnet school for negroes. They like those fancy names.
