Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Brain-Dead, Racist Academic Cornel West: Trump is a "Fascist Frankenstein"

-----Original Message-----
From: Discover The Networks <info@horowitzfreedomcenter.org>
Sent: Tue, Jul 23, 2019 8:17 pm
Subject: DTN - In the News

Discover the Networks

Cornel West: Trump is a "Fascist Frankenstein"

On CNN last Friday, race-baiting academic Cornel West called President Trump a "fascist Frankenstein" who is becoming the "American version of a Hitler and a Mussolini."

"We have to be clear, though. This is not just a matter of Trump as racist, and I was sad to see the Democratic Party couldn't just call him a racist but say his words are racist," said West. "This is weak for me, but Donald Trump, brother Trump is at this moment becoming the American version of a Hitler and a Mussolini. Republicans, across the board, they have adjusted themselves to a profoundly unjust, proto-fascist way of being in the world in terms of being lawless, hiding and concealing, rationalizing this kind of unadulterated raw hatred."

West added that this is a "very historic and pivotal moment in the history of this nation" because "this democratic experiment" could "come to an end." In fact, the real threat to "this democratic experiment" is this sort of hyperbolic, inflammatory rhetoric about fascism and Hitler hurled incessantly at Trump and conservatives by the radical Left.

Cornel West

166 Known Connections


  • Popular Marxist intellectual; describes himself as a "prophet"
  • Highly paid campus speaker and professor at Princeton
  • Friend of Louis Farrakhan
  • Political advisor to Al Sharpton
  • Views America as a nation thoroughly infested with white racism
To learn more, click on the profile link above.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Trump is "Facist Frankenstein",then West is William Marshall in 1972's "BLACULA"--updated appropriately to describe West as,"BOLSHEVIK BLACULA".Some of the images of Marshall in full Blacula make-up,are frighteningly close to West.Then too,West also has the Whitman Mayo thing going,so whoever you want West to imitate--he's your man.