Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Three Biggest Lies about the Central Park Five

By David in TN

Here are the final two paragraphs of this Jack Kerwick piece:

“Trisha Meili isn't buying any of this—and she remains the REAL victim in this case. She is the real hero about whose courageous, dignified stand against the unrelenting ravages of the violent racial hatred with which she's been bombarded should be the subject of many films and television series."

"Something tells me that neither Netflix nor anyone else will take me up on this suggestion."

Do you remember the vicious mobs that gathered outside the Manhattan courthouse during the trial, especially when the victim testified? The mob bellowed their hatred of her as loud as they could.

N.S.: Do I ever. When they saw the white victim limping to the courthouse, they’d scream, “Whore! Slut! The boyfriend did! She did it to herself!”

At Front Page Mag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watch the netflix "as they see us" flix about the central park rapists. i knew it was all a lie as I followed the news reports about it on the internet as it happened. The netflix movie had the rapists and their families and associates all dressed, talking, and acting like Midwestern white farm families. Very comical it was besides being unbelievable