Monday, December 03, 2018

New Patriotic Greek Party Wants Higher Birth Rates, and to Protect Europe from Islamic Colonisation – Interview

[Of related interest: In Greece, the Choice is, Genocide, or... Genocide]

By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sun, Dec 2, 2018 5:18 p.m.

New patriotic Greek party wants higher birth rates and to protect Europe from Islamic colonisation – Interview

New Patriotic Greek Party Wants Higher Birth Rates, and to Protect Europe from Islamic Colonisation – Interview

In my series of articles on the new conservative parties likely to take seats in next year's EU elections and in their own countries' internal elections, this column focuses on my friend and great patriot, Failos Kranidiotis of Nea Dexia (the New Right).


  1. Some politicians in some countries,upon seeing the imminent takeover of their nations by Muslims (without a shot being fired no less)are daring to talk sense.
    Trump must be relected (if he isn't impeached)and have the foresight to do the same here as what Greece needs to do--repopulate(whites only).
    I've said tax credits or monetary payouts for whites having kids are my first proposal.By offering an incentive to "people" earning over say,40 to 50 thousand a year,to have babies,you would eliminate most blacks from qualifying.
    It will be interesting to see how Greece incentivizes more childbirths.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Only ten million persons in all of Greece. About one million aliens, almost all Muslims. The Greek had five hundred years of Islamic rule imposed on them. Why go back? Keep what is years yours.
