Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Should the NFL be Abolished?


Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys kneeling, in disrespect of the National Anthem and the NFL Rulebook before a game

The NFL lives off of special treatment, in violation of federal law, and the massive theft of taxpayer money, predominantly from the same white taxpayers whom the league’s black supremacist players vilify.

“Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner, is allowing this just because of the percentage of black players in the NFL. On three occasions Goodell said NO to wearing an emblem to honor the 5 Dallas police officers that were murdered by a black lives matter activist, said NO on wearing a [sic] arm bland [sic] to honor the 9/11 victims and said NO to wearing an insignia to honor Jesus Christ. In the NFL rules book it states that the National Anthem will be played before each game and the home team will have our American Flag presented and be in good shape. The players will stand upright with their helmets under their left arm and their right hands over their hearts with no conversations. Those who don’t abide by this will be penalized by some action.”
[Geller Report] reader Kenneth G.

At The Geller Report.


  1. Jerry Jones is one pathetic human being. He specifically said no demonstrations and follow the rules or you are off my team. NOT only did he not honor his commitment but he also broke the rules in solidarity with the players. The man regardless of his many millions [or billions?] is pathetic.

  2. Plus the colored man Colin what is his name that wore the socks glorifying the killing of police and was allowed to do that without punishment.

  3. The colored should be allowed to kneel but then also allow a prayer to JESUS to be said too. See what happens then.
