Friday, June 03, 2016

False Report of UCLA Killer as “White Male” is Reminiscent of Racist, Black, Portland and Montgomery County (MD) Police Chief Charles Moose


It's not clear what Charles Moose sought to do--protect the racist, black serial killers, railroad an innocent white man...

By Jerry PDX

[Re: “Here is a Picture of the “White Male” UCLA Shooter, Mainak Sarkar, 38; and Here is a Picture of His UCLA Victim, Professor William Klug.”]

Charles Moose was police chief in my hometown of Portland, OR for a while. I remember him very well. He was as racist then as he was when he worked the Muhammad/Malvo case. He was eventually canned for incompetence (and his racist attitudes, but that was never said directly) but he was having racially motivated confrontations with people that were so blatant it became uncomfortable, even for white Portland liberals who will happily ignore racism, even when it's shoved in their faces.

We have a local weekly "news"paper that is distributed for free called Willamette Week that usually panders to political correctness but, unlike our mainstream "news"paper, The Oregonian, it occasionally prints something a little out of mainstream thought. It ran articles about Moose detailing some of his peccadilloes, note the 2nd article points out his affirmative action origins. Basically, he is as incompetent and racist as hell, but keeps getting jobs because of public pressure to get blacks into police forces.


The "white male" D.C. Snipers, John Allan Muhammad (above) and Lee Boyd Malvo, or Boyd Lee Malvo (no one was terribly concerned about getting Malvo's name right)


  1. jerry pdx
    Moose's reign also reminded me a bit of Penny Harrington, the first female police chief in a major US city, she was promoted to her position amongst a lot of hoopla about how "progressive" Portland is. What wasn't noted was she had filed a multitude of discrimination suits against the city while working as a policewoman in order to move up in ranks, it was a bad sign. Like Moose, she was incompetent and compensated with a forceful and combative personality. I remember hearing rumblings about poor administrative and interpersonal skills for both of them very soon after they took over their positions but the city was reluctant to admit it made a mistake with either of them, eventually they self destructed, in Moose's case though, his affirmative action journey through the police force cost people's lives, something that might have been prevented if the whites who carried him along would have been publicly honest about his incompetence and racism.

  2. According to wiki he's retired now and living in Florida, We paid him a lot of money for being a token negro and doing lousy work. Got people killed too.
