Friday, December 04, 2015

State Department Refuses to Provide Journalist with Photograph of Moslem San Bernardino Mass Murderer, Tashfeen Malik


That's Moslem terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook on the left

By Nicholas Stix

Having seen numerous reports on TV and the Web, which showed a picture of the man Moslem mass murderer, Syed Rizwan Farook, but only a shadow, where the picture of his wife, Tashfeen Malik, should have been, I contacted State this afternoon, and introduced myself by name, as’s crime and courts reporter. I called the phone number at the Department’s Website, but the woman who answered said I could not speak to any press officers, and would have to instead send a written request. I did so immediately (see below).

Nicholas Stix
Crime and Courts Reporter….

December 4, 2015
[State Department Address]

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to reporting on the ISIS terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California yesterday, I am seeking a photograph of one of the attackers, who has been identified as Tashfeen Malik. State would have photographs from her visa/application, her work authorization, green card, the passport from her home country (reportedly Pakistan), her U.S. passport application, and from her U.S. passport, if such has been issued to her.

If you could send an image of one of the photographs you have on file for this individual (preferably to my email address), I would be greatly obliged.

I thank you for your kind assistance, and wish you a pleasant weekend.


Nicholas Stix

I got a remarkably rapid and polite response, but unfortunately did not receive the one I had hoped for. Three minutes later, a State Department press officer named Katherine Pfaff wrote back,
We are unable to provide an image for you. You could try to check with the law enforcement authorities in San Bernardino, if you haven’t already.

State has photographs of this person. Why is it not releasing them? Local police have photographs of a corpse. I don’t think they’ll be releasing them.

So, who released the pictures we’ve seen of Syed Rizwan Farook? And who is trying to hide the face of Tashfeen Malik, if that is her real name (this is not at all clear), from the public?

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