Thursday, April 02, 2015

Coming Demographic Shift Will Eliminate American Culture: Non-Hispanic Whites to be Minority in Their Own Country by 2025; U.S. Resident Population to Reach 500 Million by 2045, 1,000,000,000 by 2100


"FILE - Kindergarten students work in a bilingual English-Spanish class at school in Texas"

[Previously, by yours truly:

“The Myth of the 11 Million: Wall Street Analyst Estimates 21-25 Million Illegals Now in U.S.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The figures in the headline are mine, and flatly contradict those in the article reprinted below. Indeed, I don’t know of any demographer whose projections match mine, yet I stick by my numbers. I believe the pro-open borders lobbyists are deliberately low-balling their numbers, in order to deceive American whites, so as to diminish possible opposition. Then, when it’s too late, they’ll brag about what they did, and demonize their critics as “racists,” “xenophobes,” and “white supremacists,” the way Ted Kennedy did.

Experts: Coming Demographic Shift Will Strengthen US Culture
By Victor Morales
March 31, 2015 4:54 P.M.
VOA News

America’s demographics are changing like never before. In less than 30 [sic] years, whites will no longer be the racial majority in the United States. As VOA Senior Analyst Victor Morales explains in this first part of a two-part series, this population shift will have important implications for American culture and society.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2045, the United States will have a population of some 389 million people. And for the first time in the nation’s history, the majority of people living in the U.S. will be non-white.

[I estimate that if current trends continue, by 2025 the U.S. will have a population in which non-Hispanic whites are the minority. I also estimate that around that time, the population will be approximately 390 million. By 2045, given current trends, non-Hispanic whites will comprise 40% or less of the country, which will have app. 500 million residents. The U.S. resident population would then reach one billion on or before 2100.]

“This new diversity boom that we’re seeing right now will be every bit as important for our country in the decades ahead as the baby boom [people born between 1946 and 1964] was in the last half of the 20th century,” said demographer William Frey of the Brookings Institution.

[The following is everything you need to know about William Frey: He proudly asserts that swamping America with hundreds of millions of lazy, low-IQ, high-crime welfare parasites will make her more prosperous and economically more competitive.]

“We know that the baby boom has changed the country in lots of ways – popular culture, changing values about all kinds of social issues, families, women’s roles and politics. And I think this diversity boom is going to have just as big of an impact. We’ll be a very different country and we’re only just beginning to see the start of it,” said Frey.

Hispanics, Asians, African Americans Lead Demographic Shift

Hispanics, who now total some 52 million people, are expected to remain the largest minority group in the United States for decades to come. Despite an influx of undocumented immigrants from Latin America to the United States during the past 20 years, the rise in the number of Hispanics is driven mainly by birth.

[“Despite”? The illegals are having a baby boom. The correct word is “because.”] Latinos account for much of the population growth in major cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. But they also are moving into rural areas, where currently there are relatively few Hispanics.

[Translation: the reconquista seeks to take over everywhere.]

There are more than 16 million Asians in the United States. America’s fast [sic] growing minority group, Asians live largely in major metropolitan areas. By 2045, this growth is expected to be due to U.S. births rather than immigration. And as with all of the nation’s ethnic minorities, many middle class Asians are moving to the suburbs of major cities.

The more than 40 million African Americans in the U.S. make up the nation’s oldest ethnic minority group.

“We’ve seen now in the last 20 years a black migration back to the South,” said demographer William Frey. “Blacks left the South 100 years ago during the days of high discrimination and the decline of the cotton industry, and the growth of jobs in the Northeast and Midwest.”

“But that’s all turned around as the South has become more prosperous [and the North has become intolerably violent, due to blacks, a factor you can’t expect a racial socialist like Frey to admit to]. So states like Georgia, North Carolina, Texas and Florida are big gainers of African Americans. In the future, I think, the South will still be predominated [sic] by African Americans as the major group, even though the South is getting more Hispanics and Asians. [A demographer would have to know that one can never speak of a minority group “predominating” in simple, demographic terms.] On the West Coast, it will be more of a Hispanic and Asian confluence. And in the Midwest and Northeast, it will be some mix of all of those groups,” said Frey.

US National Character Unaffected by Demographics

[“National character unaffected by demographics”; is it possible for a demographer to tell a bigger lie?]

By 2045, Hispanics, Asians and African Americans are expected to grow from more than a third of the population to a little more than half of the people living in the United States.

“The degree of cultural diversity that this introduces to this country is rather like the cultural diversity we had in the 19th century [garbage], and for that matter in the 18th century at the time of founding,” observed American Enterprise Institute political scientist Charles Murray. In many ways, according to Murray, diversity has been a positive force throughout America history.

“We used to have radically different ways of life among different groups in this country. And the 20th century was something of an anomaly in this regard as we saw an increasingly homogeneous culture with the rise of mass media,” Murray said. “In many ways, I think the America of the 21st century with its increased cultural diversity is going to look familiar to historians of America. And in that respect, it’s as American as apple pie.”

[Shame on you, Charles Murray!]

A few decades ago, many analysts warned that these demographic trends would lead to a balkanization of America. However, most experts now agree that U.S. culture and assimilation will reinforce America’s national character, particularly as the rate of interracial marriage grows.

In 1960, multiracial marriages accounted for only 0.4 percent of all marriages in the United States. By 2010, that figure rose to 8.4 percent, with interracial couples accounting for 15 percent of all new marriages – a trend that experts say will only continue.

“To some degree, immigrants change America. But America also changes immigrants,” said Pitzer College political scientist Adrian Pantoja.

“The strengths of the English language, American culture and symbols and history and values – those are adopted very quickly among immigrant populations,” said Pantoja, who is an expert on immigrant and Hispanic politics in the United States. “There’s overwhelming data that shows that by the second generation, the Spanish language is practically gone; the children of immigrants are English-dominant. By the third generation, the Spanish language is essentially nonexistent. So those assimilationist forces have been alive and well since the founding of this country.”

“We have a nation that’s built not on blood ties, but that’s built on ideas and ideals,” added Tamar Jacoby, president and CEO of ImmigrationWorks USA, a national federation of small business owners working to promote better immigration laws.

“Those ideals are freedom, the individual, democracy, equality and opportunity. And those are pretty powerful things. And we’ve come to live in ways that exemplify those ideals, and people find that way of living very attractive. And that’s why people want to come here. People come, and they succeed, and they like it.”

Victor Morales

Victor Morales is Senior Analyst for the Voice of America, where he has reported on U.S. and international affairs for more than two decades. He is the former head of VOA’s Focus New Analysis Unit and VOA Learning English. He also hosted the agency’s premier public affairs talk shows, Encounter and Press Conference, USA, and anchored the leading English news program, VOA News Now.


  1. Why is that guy telling obvious lies? America was overwhelmingly Euro white in the 18th and 19th century. Et tu Charles?

  2. He can only hope but realistically America will become a Majority-Minority nation like Brazil.
    - Massive social inequality.
    - Epidemic of corruption in all spheres of society.
    - Lack of sense of social unity.
    - Extreme hedonism.
    - Rootless and politically unstable.
