Tuesday, December 02, 2014

A Message from VDARE


[Donate Link. And let ‘em know Nicholas Stix sent you!]


Be Our Santa...

Help us reach our $4,000 goal and meet the matching funds pledged by a generous donor!

Then celebrate with us tonight, 8pm, at the first ever VDARE.com "Open House."

(Karia Brimelow sitting on Santa’s knee, Christmas, 2013. Felicity Brimelow, exercising healthy suspicion, opted for mother’s knee instead.)

This marks the second year that I have been cheerfully involved in the VDare Foundation’s year-end fundraising appeal. The last time you heard from me directly, I was reporting on the success of 2013’s campaign (we exceeded our goal by $2,000!)—and here we are again gearing up for an even better month of giving in 2014. Later in this campaign, you’ll hear from Peter Brimelow, James Fulford, John Derbyshire, James Kirkpatrick, Nicholas Stix, et al. Their job is to tell you what you already know – how critical VDARE.com is to the current crisis America is facing: culturally, economically and of course, demographically.

My job is to tell you what you don’t know: how the VDare Foundation is doing, and what you can do to help!

Last year I was eager to report that, “In one year we went from nothing – literally, we had no fundraising budget, no database software, no staff and no training – to a budding and successful team of patriots dedicated to enhancing the VDare Foundation’s efforts to fight the good fight, by asking for your gifts.”

This year, I’m happy to say that groundwork has paid off. We are just starting to see the structure of the VDare’s future outlined in our growth.

It goes without saying that these successes do not stand alone. The VDare Foundation is a mission-minded organization. Like you, we are passionate about patriotic immigration reform. The reason this growth is significant is that our message, our audience, our funding and what we do with it, directly impacts the future of our nation.

So our donations have grown—what have we done with the money?

The VDare Foundation's time and resources are primarily focused on VDARE.com, which is both the premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform and our main source of revenues by way of online donations. We are a low overhead operation and the money you give is translated straight into content on our site.

•Since January, VDARE.com has received over 2.2 million visitors reading the more than 2,900 articles and blogs posted during that time.

•Our message is percolating. Major opinion setters such as Ann Coulter, Patrick Buchanan, Michelle Malkin, Dick Morris and Laura Ingraham have used VDARE.com’s statistics and analysis in their work in print, radio and television.

But since you ask, there are a few back-room things we’ve accomplished as well.

•At the start of 2014, we began a slow climb out of the financial hole we were in after the loss of some mainstream funding. Individual donations increased by 14%.

•The active VDare Foundation donor base grew by 32% during that same period.

•We fixed some crippling backroom problems the VDARE.com website. Traffic has increased every month of this year, reaching nearly 400,000 visitors in October. We have engaged 2,400 new Facebook fans (up 60%) and 3,275 new Twitter followers (up 3,179%...ha, well, we started pretty small!)

•VDARE.com Books released three books, including a groundbreaking novel by first time author Ryan Andrews. Andrews attacks some of the most difficult questions facing Western Man through the tragic romance of two young Chicagoans. This is a novel that is going to make you uncomfortable, uneasy, and maybe even outraged. But it’s a story that cannot be ignored.

Speaking of Chicago, what I’m most excited about has been our special events!

Peter and I had the wonderful opportunity this year of hosting five events around the continent, ranging from San Francisco, to Chicago to Toronto in the effort to meet our intrepid supporters and provide opportunities for them to meet each other. Hearing our donors tell me what a welcome relief it is to socialize in an environment where they can share honest and informed opinions about Politically Incorrect topics without fear of public crucifixion, is truly the most rewarding part of the my job.

These events are pretty straightforward. We get together, share some food and drink, and get to know each other. A happy hour at a hotel restaurant. An al fresco reception in someone’s home. An intimate dinner with a few likeminded folks. These are work to put together, but the dividends are priceless.

Here is some of the feedback I’ve gotten after a few of our events:

“It was delight to meet and converse with you and other VDare fans. That two were VDare contributing writers was an unexpected surprise. I was very glad to be able to thank you in person for establishing and stewarding VDare. It is an unmatched resource for those of us concerned with continuity of the American nation. Thanks again for your hospitality of drinks and appetizers.
The Grand Café was indeed grand! Hats off to you for arranging this.” – San Francisco, CA

• “This was the best night of my life!” – Chicago, IL

• “I can’t remember I had such a liberating and enjoyable experience. Thank you for putting this all together.” – Boston, MA

So there you have it: VDARE.com, every day, is not only providing in-depth original reporting and analysis on the most important issue of our time, but it is also connecting people and creating a network that when galvanized will be a powerful force in sustaining the historic American nation. The VDare Foundation's growth on all fronts is unstoppable.
That is, as long we have the resources to feed it.
Here’s how you can help:

1. Send us your money. Today in particular, a generous donor has pledged $4,000 in matching funds. Double the value of your donation by helping us meet our goal!

2. Credits: VDare happily accepts gift cards, frequent flyer miles and other credits of any kind. If you have extra credit card points and need help figuring out how to use them up, please contact me at lbrimelow@vdare.com.

3. Sponsorship: Help me plan our next event! We need hosts to help us pay for the venues, refreshments and other expenses involved in putting together our events. Maybe you even have a restaurant connection or a club membership that you think we could use. We are constantly looking for new locations and opportunities to bring the VDare community together. You are the driving force to when and where it will happen!
4. Legacy giving: Consider putting us in your will. This is shaping up to be a major source of funding for us. Any individual can create a legacy gift by naming VDare Foundation on the beneficiary form of a savings, checking, or pension account; remembering VDare Foundation in a will or living trust; or using a more complex instrument such as a charitable life-income trust. (For more information on legacy giving, contact me at lbrimelow@vdare.com).

5. Buy on Amazon through us. When making any Amazon.com purchases, please access Amazon via the button on VDare.com.

6. Time and Talent: one thing the VDare Foundation is in dire need of is pro bono professional services. All offers of help are appreciated, and specifically we need:

a. A Lawyer: What we need is someone to give is occasional advice and draft strongly written letters to censor-ware that tries to block us as a “hate site.” Until this year, we had a loyal advisor on such matters, but his lawfirm recently vetoed his pro-bono work on our behalf.

b. An infographic artist: Unlike many websites, VDARE.com is pretty text heavy, and it would be incredibly useful to have someone who can take our numbers and turn them into accessible graphics in a timely manner.

7. Share and Publicize: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you haven’t already, and start spreading the word. The evidence is that 30% of all donations happen in December and two-thirds of donors give because of recommendations. Donors stick with what they are comfortable with or what friends and family suggest. The most valuable way for new people to find our site is through the recommendation of their friends, that is, YOU. We are already screaming the message from the rooftops. Now it’s your turn! (Thanks in advance!)

If you have never given, now is the time. If you gave before and have lapsed, dust off that checkbook or roll up your sleeves. If you are an active donor, we thank you from the bottom of our keyboards and encourage you to give more!

We are just getting started and your most generous year-end donation today could take us to the next level.

There has never been a demographic transformation like the current one—plotted and engendered by the elites—in the entire history of the world. There is absolutely no reason to suppose it will work. The only way we can hope to stem the tide is by arming America with the arguments to defend itself.

But there is no way we can fight this nation-saving effort without your support.

And with your support, we are confident we will win.

Merry Christmas!

Lydia Brimelow


  1. Charles Barkely, a lone voice of reason among his people....
    Jerry PDX


  2. Apparantly these recent emigrees,
    Bosnians, are not Americanized to the point they simply accept official coverup of bias crimes perpetrated by protected minority groups. I hope they raise hell, though I wouldn't count on the media to help much. Jerry PDX

