Saturday, March 02, 2013

Vicious Attack of NYC Tourist Doesn't Rate, Because the Victim is a White Female

Woman taking photos near Times Square attacked by female passerby

The other woman reportedly hit the photographer in the back of the head and knocked her into the ground. She was taken to St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in stable condition.

Updated: Saturday, March 2, 2013, 10:14 AM
The woman was standing at W. 46th St. and Broadway when she was attacked around 1 p.m.

Alberto Reyes/

The woman was standing at W. 46th St. and Broadway when she was attacked around 1 p.m.

Only in New York.

A tourist snapping pictures in Times Square was hospitalized following a scuffle with another New York City sightseer Friday, witnesses and police said.


Alberto Reyes/

Police cuffed at the scene the woman who attacked the other and pushed her to the ground at the scene, but apparently no arrests were made.


Sources said a 34-year-old blonde beauty from Serbia was focusing her lens on Broadway and W. 46th St. at 1:20 p.m. when Washington state tourist Deanne Ostbye, 30, allegedly went berserk and attacked, knocking her victim to the ground, according to sources.


Alberto Reyes/

A woman taking pictures near Times Square was purposely hit in the back of the head and pushed to the ground by a passerby.

The victim, whose hair was stained with blood from a cut to her head, was taken to St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in stable condition, authorities said.

Ostbye — who witnesses found smirking after she attacked the older woman — was cuffed and charged with reckless endangerment and assault, police said.


  1. All the major cities are loaded with crazies, homeless dirtballs, legions of panhandlers, people screaming to themselves as well as the usual criminal types. In this city these types are in profusion in the touristy type areas. I always wonder what the foreign tourists make of all this and what they tell the people back home.

  2. First it says no arrests made but then contradicts itself saying charges filed for assault. Pathetic. Just like ALL mainstream corporate media.

    Stan D Mute

  3. For what it's worth;

    Perusing online I found a very intesting piece by Henry Makow entitled Red Rosa Parks: Fabricating An American Icon.

    Henry included a paragaraph that apparently had been writen in 1912 by communist sympathizers here in America.

    This is the paragraph in verbatum.

    "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

    Over the few years I've had a computer I have occasionally found posts and stories on the phenomenon of American blacks and the American communist movement, AKA, liberals.

    As I think about the lower IQed blacks, I believe they realize they are intellectually inferior and further realize they need a game changer, or they must embrace their personal responsibility to mature, and be the best their nature affords them, which is difficult. It is here that blacks can be swayed, and perhpaps worst of all, by gaining their liberty in our higher culture of civilization, once their "nature's charge" to mature is remove, the immature, low IQ black is easily swayed by the proper suggestions, which can unleash or allow his or her most singular destructive ability out into reality, and that would be their tribal orientated cerebrum in a higher culture of civilization.

    The white liberals and black alliance's ideology has cost non-liberal white America almost every positive achievement made. The monitary expense alone is bankrupting America which appears to be okay with the alliance.

    For those not in the know, Stanly Ann Dunham and her parents were both communist sympathizers their entire lives.

    Stanely Ann Dunham was the mother of Brac Hussein Obama. She was a white woman born in 1942 and at the age of 17 hooked up with a black African, and got pregnant before marriage.

    If one thinks about 1960, American, white women, how many would have passed up a white husband to father her child for a black African. Stunning!

    Liberals and blacks are leading America down the road of ruination. I fear for our white race. Thank you.
