Sunday, March 03, 2013

New York City: Photo Captures Exact Moment of Tourist-on-Tourist Attack


"Photo captures Aleksandra Cvetkovic being shoved by Deanne Ostbye in Times Square Friday, leaving her stunned and bloodied."

[Previously, on this crime, at WEJB/NSU:

[“Vicious Attack of NYC Tourist Doesn't Rate, Because the Victim is a White Female.”]

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: See the moment the Times Square tourist was pushed by passerby

Deanne Ostbye pushed Aleksandra Cvetkovic at W. 46th St. and Broadway on Friday. It has not been revealed why Ostbye shoved Cvetkovic to the ground, causing injuries that required a hospital visit.
By Joe Kemp
Sunday, March 3, 2013, 1:30 a.m.; updated 1:30 a.m.
New York Daily News

A Serbian sightseer was all smiles just before another tourist knocked her to the ground in Times Square — and her friend captured the exact moment her joy turned to tears.

The pal behind the lens just snapped a picture of the 34-year-old blond, Aleksandra Cvetkovic, at Broadway and W. 46th St. just as Deanne Ostbye suddenly jumped in the frame about 1:20 p.m. Friday.

Cvetkovic was knocked to the ground in Times Square by a [sic] angry passerby.

“You see in the frame the moment just before she was knocked to the ground,” said Jonathan Bloom, whose wife, Ivana Lisavac-Bloom, took the picture.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic was in tears after being pushed to the ground by Deanne Ostbye at Broadway and W. 46th St.

The attack left Cvetkovic on the ground and bleeding from her head, a wound that would later require three stitches.

Cvetkovic had just arrived to the city from Maryland, where she had been staying with Lisavac-Bloom during her first trip to the United States.

Deanne Ostbye of Tacoma, Wash., was charged with assault and reckless endangerment, and was scheduled to be arraigned on Saturday.

“They were best friends in Serbia,” Bloom said of the two women.

Ostbye, 30, of Tacoma, Wash., was charged with assault and reckless endangerment. She was waiting to be arraigned on Saturday.

Ostbye [sic] reasons for pushing Cvetkovic have yet to be revealed.


  1. What might be described better as a terrorist on tourist attack and it would have been if races were reversed. White Americans have already been described by "Homeland Security" Kagan as such.
