Sunday, March 03, 2013

In Despicable, Racist Stereotype That Sonia Sotomayor Hopes Never to See Again, Chinaman Ming Guang Huang, 28, Attacks His Chinese Wife with a Meat Cleaver in Chinatown; Fortunately, NY1 Refuses to Report Any of the Salient Facts That Would Help Readers Understand the Story

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Charges Pending Against Man In Wife's Meat Cleaver Attack
By NY1 News
Updated February 25, 2013, 8:53 a.m.

A man is in police custody after fire officials say he attacked his wife with a meat cleaver on Canal Street in Manhattan Sunday morning.

A man is in police custody and awaiting charges after fire officials say he attacked [N.S.: his wife] a woman with a meat cleaver on Canal Street in [the heart of Chinatown in] Manhattan Sunday morning.

Police say the alleged attack happened at approximately 10:20 a.m. Sunday.

Members of the FDNY's Engine Company 9 and Ladder Company 6 said they walked across the street from a fire station on Canal Street when they witnessed a man and a woman arguing outside.

According to firefighter Jose Ortiz, the man then pulled a meat cleaver out and started hitting the woman in the head.

"He pulled the cleaver out of his waistband and starts hacking this woman," Ortiz said. "I rush him. I'm trying to grab the cleaver, but he's swinging. I would guess six, eight, maybe 10 times. He hit the woman in the head."

Ortiz said he and another firefighter were able to apprehend the man and flag down a police officer, who then arrested the man.

The woman then ran away before another firefighter directed her to emergency personnel.

"I ran back to the house and I grabbed the trauma bag," said firefighter Shane Clarke. "I chased her around the corner. She went into a restaurant, 13B. We confronted her there. She was very disoriented and very panicked. There was a little bit of a language barrier [because she was a Chinese immigrant who spoke no English]."

Police say the woman had several wounds to her face, back and hip.

She is listed in critical but stable condition.

Sources tell NY1 that the man and woman are married. [Wow, that’s weird. A man married to a woman, in Manhattan, of all places. That’s yet another giveaway that they’re not Americans.]

[N.S.: I learned about this story at VDARE, whose faithful reader I’ve been since 2000. (And where I’ve been a contributor since 2004!) Where would we be without VDARE? I’ll tell ‘ya where: we’d be stuck at Brain-Dead Central!]

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