Friday, March 02, 2012

More on the Kansas City, M.O., Hate Crime: Black 16/17-Year-Olds Set White 13-Year-Old on Fire in Front of His Own House; Fox Censors Race,

but Permits Victim’s Mother to Quote Police as Saying It was a “Hate Crime”
Posted by Nicholas Stix

And they say Fox News is “rightwing.”

[Previously, on this case, at WEJB/NSU:

“Now, They’re Burning Our Children Alive: In Kansas City, Two Black 16-Year-Olds Douse 12-Year-Old White Boy with Gasoline, and Set Him on Fire.”]



Boy Set on Fire by Teens in East Side Neighborhood
By Eric Burke
February 28, 2012, at 9:29 p.m.
Updated on March 1, 2012, at 1:43 p.m.
Fox 4 KC

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A 13-year-old spent some time in the emergency room on Tuesday night as a result of being burned The boy was set on fire by a couple of older teens.

The victim is a student at East High School and regularly walks home after class. When he reached his porch, two older teens grabbed him, pinned his arms behind his back and then poured gas from a gas can on the boy. They then set the boy on fire.

The two boys ran and the teen ripped his shirt over his head and patted the fire out. His parents say they can’t believe it.

“We were told it’s a hate crime,” said the boy’s mother. “They essentially followed him home, they told him he got what he deserved. He’s 13 years old.”

The boy and his parents talked with Kansas City police detectives while he was being treated at Children’s Mercy. His parents hope someone at school will hear about what happened so they can find the teens that set him on fire. They plan to press charges.

[N.S.: What about the DA’s office? Why aren’t criminal justice officials talking about pressing charges?]

The family says they’re not sure if or when their son will return to East High School.

* * *

A longtime reader writes:

White kid set on fire by negro youf. And they call us devils.


  1. They should light up those 'groids like candles. No pain meds, no treatment.

  2. if this would of been the other way around it would of got world news.
