Sunday, January 08, 2012

Two Arrested in Philly PATCO Racial Attack; Black Facebook Commenters Variously Celebrate Attack, and Deny Attackers are Black

By Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Philadelphia: Black Racist Attack on White Man at Center City PATCO Station.”]

Timothy Williams, 18, and Steven Wiles, 23, have been arrested for the attack. There has been no talk of a hate crime, and the Philly PD insists that neither man has a criminal; history. And if you believe that a man who is capable of what you’ll see in the video below could live to be 23, or even 18, without developing a criminal history, I have a great deal for you on slightly used bridge. The police know nothing about Williams’ juvi history, and where Wiles is concerned, a black man can wreak a lot of havoc these days, without having an official history. Police may take his side, charges get dropped, prosecutors refuse to prosecute, and arrests for violent attacks get undercharged as “harassment” or “disorderly conduct,” and get erased from the system after six months.


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PATCO Attack Videotaped, 2 Arrested
Man beaten by two men at a Philly PATCO station, as another person filmed the attack
By Teresa Masterson, Lu Ann Cahn and David Chang
| Saturday, Jan 7, 2012 | Updated 9:38 PM EST

A man was beaten by two people in the Philadelphia PATCO station at 8th and Market streets in the early morning hours of Jan. 2 and someone not only watched the vicious attack but recorded it and gave it to a website to post.

In the video, uploaded to, the victim is kicked, punched and groped by two men as he lies on the ground in front of a PATCO turnstile.

Police say the victim was trying to get on a train around 3 a.m. after attending the Mummers parade. Suddenly he was jumped from behind by the two suspects. The men kicked and beat him before rummaging through his pockets.

Police say the suspects stole $10 and a cell phone. One person recorded the beating and posted it on . PATCO also says one of the station cameras recorded the attack.

The video lasts 40 seconds without any sign of a PATCO officer. PATCO claims an officer was on the train platform and arrived at the scene of the attack just after the suspects fled.

Police arrested one of the suspects, 18-year-old Timothy Williams, on Thursday - three days after the attack. On Friday police arrested 23-year-old Steven Wiles.

Both Williams and Wiles are charged with aggravated assault and robbery. Police also say neither one of the suspects has a criminal history.

Police have not released the victim’s name, but sources tell NBC Philadelphia’s Lu Ann Cahn that he is a 22-year-old recent college graduate from Haddonfield, N.J.

He was released from the hospital after being treated for a concussion, bumps and bruises.

Police don’t yet know who filmed the beating.

Posted Friday, January 6, 2012 - 5:41 PM EST

[Thanks to reader OnMainStreet for this story.]


  1. In a "presidential debate" last night, Ron Paul, the Great Hope of White Nationalists, went on a rant about blacks being "unfairly" imprisoned for all sorts of crime.

    David In TN

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Ron Paul's comments about blacks being unfairly imprisoned. I wish Mr. Paul could see this video and article.

    The two savage criminals in this video make me sick. I watched it this morning, and haven't been able to forget about it. It's also sickening that the person who filmed and posted it glories in seeing a white person attacked and violated like this.

    This might sound like I'm getting off subject, but please bear with me. Around Christmas time, my parents visited my wife and me. My dad loves sports (me, not so much), so we ended up watching some pre-game show about the NFL one afternoon. This particular show was devoted to black football players who had been some of the first black players back in the 50s and 60s.

    As the show continued, I was surprised to see it become an out-and-out history lesson about the days of the civil rights movement, with very little about football for at least ten or fifteen minutes of the show. Also shown was some old BW footage of some white guy attacking a black guy in public, back in 60s. (I didn't enjoy seeing this clip, because I don't like seeing innocent people attacked.)

    Having said that, I must wonder why our media thinks it's necessary to constantly remind us of the bad old days from our nation's past, during a program supposedly devoted to pro football. At the same time, it does its best to cover up and minimize black-on-white crime, like the instance reported on here. It's a double standard, and it's evil.

    I get the impression that some people in this country want blacks to be in a continual state of anger against whites about the past, while trying to brainwash whites that they deserve every wicked, criminal act that blacks commit against them today.

  3. @jeigheff

    Someday, all of the media reliving of the "bad old" pre-civil rights days is going to backfire on them. Why?

    Because eventually people will say: "If 3,000 lynchings over the course of a century was such a terrible evil, why are hundreds of thousands (millions?) of murders of whites by blacks over a course of decades not worse?"

    More and more people are drawing their own conclusions, and they aren't the ones the MSM wants them to draw.

  4. Looks like I was off by an order of magnitude on the murders number so I should correct.

    The Color of Crime has 26,727 murders of whites and hispanics between 1976 and 2002. But it also has an average of 15,400 rapes, 139,000 robberies, 489,000 assaults, and 12,762 sexual assaults by blacks on whites and hispanics for each year from 2001 to 2003. All in all, about 85% of interracial crime is black on white.

    At some point, this becomes "history" too, as in "history should never be forgotten".

    Interesting that we are reminded never to forget 3,000 lynchings from a century ago, but are supposed to ignores tens of thousands of murders and hundreds of thousands of assaults from the past few decades.

    Even more peculiar given that the white on black lynchings are no longer even remotely an issue, whereas the black on white attacks are very much still a problem, in spades (if you will).

  5. jeigheff said..."Having said that, I must wonder why our media thinks it's necessary to constantly remind us of the bad old days from our nation's past, during a program supposedly devoted to pro football. At the same time, it does its best to cover up and minimize black-on-white crime, like the instance reported on here. It's a double standard, and it's evil."

    "I get the impression that some people in this country want blacks to be in a continual state of anger against whites about the past, while trying to brainwash whites that they deserve every wicked, criminal act that blacks commit against them today."

    The reason is explained in this excerpt by William J. Bennetta, a fellow of the California Academy of Sciences, and the president of The Textbook League, which examines school text books for historical accuracy:

    "Wherever multiculturalism goes, it brings Victimism with it. Victimism is an integral part of the multi-culti ideological package, and its practitioners, whom we may call Victimists, have two principal concerns: They invent fake stories and images that are intended to bring sympathy, admiration, glory and political advantage to groups of people who have been officially designated as Victims by the multi-culti establishment; and they strive to disseminate their fake stories and images in the guise of "history."

    .... Among the racial groups represented in the population of the United States, two have not merely been certified as Victims but have also been selected for especially lavish treatment by the Victimists. These groups -- Amerindians and American blacks -- figure prominently in the multi-culti version of "American history," where they are sanitized and glorified beyond recognition, and are depicted as the hapless prey of evil white men. [[Look for the movie 'Red Tails' coming to a theatre near you for just such an example]]

    Sanitization is an indispensable part of this endeavor, because certified Victims must always be depicted as innocent, righteous paragons of humanity. The sanitization process consists largely of hiding or denying any facts which show that the Victims had victims of their own, whom
    they slaughtered, displaced, subjugated, enslaved or exploited."


    This agenda is based on an unspoken rule of the Left and their mass media (the Victimists), in which 'Officially Certified Victims' must not be
    shown to have victims of their own. To do so would erode their Victim status in the eyes of the general white population (where the money comes from to fund their many social programs and entitlements). A Victimhood, black and white Liberal Democrats and their MSM, have worked hard to establish, control, exploit, and profit from for the last 50 years.

    Many in this protected class of 'Officially Certified Victims' realize that their Media and Government Protected Status gives them a certain sense of invisibility and invincibility, which empowers and emboldens them to increasingly do more of the same with little critical observation and social consequence, and often with minimal punishment by the legal system, if any.

    It has fallen on the shoulders of truth seekers and patriots such as the Nicholas Stix's of the world to get the word out and report what a corrupt main stream press won't.

    As it was predicted, an upsurge in racist black on white violence if Obama got elected. And that is exactly what has happened. It will surge even more if he loses, as many in the black community see Obama's presidency not a so much in political terms, as much a civil rights issue. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Especially after the next presidential election, whether Obama wins or losses.
