Sunday, August 03, 2008

VDARE: Immigrant Commits Atrocity, MSM Suppresses Story

Revised at 12:56 a.m. Sunday, August 3, 2008.

You may have heard about Tim McLean, the man who was beheaded aboard a Canadian Greyhound bus Wednesday night by the man sitting next to him. But what have you heard about the killer? Do you know his name? Possibly not. Nationality or nation of birth? Almost certainly not. And for a very good reason: The MSM doesn’t want you to know such relevant facts. Well, has the low-down (in chronological order):

“Chinese Man Decapitates Canadian on Bus,” by James Fulford, August 2

“Chinese/Canadian Atrocity Triggers US/MSM Atrocity,” by Patrick Cleburne, August 2

“It’s Official! Chinese IMMIGRANT Decapitates Canadian!” By Peter Brimelow, August 2


  1. The "media" is owned by major corporations, all with political ties. There has never been a time where yellow journalism has not existed, only now it is epidemic.

    If not for the internet, and journalists who "blog" how would we ever know what is really going on?

    Our governments and leaders call us "sheeple" and sadly they are correct. The worst of times are coming at rapid speeds, my advice is a lot of prayers and to do what you can when and wherever you can!

    God bless us all,
    Rhonda Fleming
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Sister of Allen J Croft Jr, found executed May 11, 2005 in Durham NC, and his murder still unresolved

  2. Why is it necessary to stress "Chinese Immigrant?" Do you also stress the nationality when it is a mainstream Canadian Caucasian person?

  3. In my opinion the fact that the mainstream media painstakingly avoids giving information about nationality, race, and immigration status implies that it is important, at least important enough for them to obscure the facts.

    The biased old media and our government officials, both in the USA and in Canada, are energetically welcoming mass immigration and they want to avoid any news about the downside of said immigration. They are afraid, it appears, that an equally energetic opposition to mass immigration might arise if more people were aware that immigration is not the unmixed good they like to present it as.

    It's certainly necessary information when a perpetrator is still at large to tell us as much about that person as is known, including information on race, nationality, and general appearance. Instead, our media give us information like 'the suspect was a male wearing dark clothing' - this is the 'alert' issued for a sex criminal in our area recently.

  4. Well said, "Vanishing American".

    I thought you were stating the obvious in your words, until I realized that the vast majority Canadians/Americans are still stuck in the low end of the learning curve and know nothing in how the mass media operate in conditioning malleable minds.

    Edward Bernays, whose uncle was Sigmund Freud, helped to manipulate the masses for the Illuminati.

    In his book “Propaganda,” he wrote:

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.”

    So, for Beatrix and others like her, it's time to wake up because you're never too old in learning how indoctrinated you really are.

  5. NICK....

    Will put the info you posted as a comment at InsightAnalytical in my weekly wrap-up after I do some checking..

    This is the sort of "connection" info that people never get to see.


